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Pakistan Heat Wave Kills More Than 1,200; More Dangerous Heat Expected
Published: Jun 28 2015 06:30 AM EDT | By Associated Press | weather.com
More than 1,200 people are dead in Pakistan's deadliest heat wave on record with even more extreme heat on the way. Some 1,233 people have been killed since the heat wave began more than a week ago, and more than 1,900 are still being treated at hospitals for heat- related issues.
At its peak, the heat wave sent temperatures as high as 113 degrees Fahrenheit, combining with high humidity to make for absolutely brutal conditions.

UK floods and extreme global weather linked to El Niño and climate change
Scientists say flooding in Britain, record US temperatures and Australian wildfires linked to El Niño making effects of man-made climate change worse
John Vidal | Sunday 27 December 2015 12.18 EST
From some of the worst floods ever known in Britain, to record-breaking temperatures over the Christmas holiday in the US and and forest fires in Australia, the link between the tumultuous weather events experienced around the world in the last few weeks is likely to be down to the natural phenomenon known as El Niño making the effects of man-made climate change worse, say atmospheric scientists.

What can be done to save our planet ?

To save our planet:
Plant as many trees as possible
• Reduce carbon emissions ( CO2 ) from fuel oil.
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PT. Global Agro Bisnis
Commissioner   :  Wira Pradana , S.T.
Commissioner   :  Hendrayana
Consulting         :  Prof. DR. Ir. Sham Abdullah, M.Sc.
Director              :  Dadan Sjafari
Deputy Director :  Agus Setiono

If climate change can already be felt and seen in person 
then it is too late..