Help Us to produce pure oxygen,
Your help will be returned in cash

More than 2,000,000 trees Jabon until 2016 had us planting, care and manage with farmers processing, the future will continue to grow because there are 72 million hectares of critical land in Indonesia, requires hard work and your actions.

Planting Trees As An Asset Accumulation Tool
Choose one of the packages above then contact us, you have contributed to keeping our planet by planting a tree and will enjoy the results economically.
You can pick up a package, or multiples thereof, may also mix up of some of the above packages to suit your needs.

One example of how you can obtain greater results by taking a package and then replant the crops (ROI).

Implementation of the program to plant trees 
for the future needs of our children's education.

By simply planting trees and speaking publicly then not only will the economy get results but you also have contributed oxygen for others, see the table below how much contribution you have given.

Ease and Benefits:
• Free land;
• Free treatment, legality and certification;
• Certificate of ownership tree Notary authorized;
• Trees DEATH/LOST/DAMAGED guaranteed LLoyd's Insurance International;
• Facility for the purchase of the harvest;
• Service land and factory visits.

Our Five Fold Goals:

1. Environmentally Friendly and Green Processes
We believe in doing things that are good for the environment, from our organic fertilizers that work to heal the land, to the management of our wood waste products to convert into energy products, and ultimately, to prevent deforestation and reduce global warming.
2. Ecological Balance to the Environment
​We are sensitive to maintain an ecological balance in the environment because we don't want to destroy the environment in which we work. As an example, instead of relying on chemical fertilizers that eventually kill the beneficial micro-organisms in the soil and "destroy" the earth, we developed a revolutionary organic fertilizer that works by first healing the land to restore the fine ecological balance in the soil. As a result, our trees grow faster, have greener and more luxuriant leaves, and yield a greater volume of wood per tree. The hundreds of thousands of trees we have, also contribute to a greener earth as the leaves 
absorb carbon dioxide from the air.
3. Enriching Experience for the Society
​We create new jobs and better paying ones where there were few before, and in so doing, change the economic lives of not just the farmers who plant and nurture our trees, but the lives of all our trees' investors, factory operators and tens of thousands of marketers around the world.
4. Experientially Rewarding for every Individual
​Though it is rewarding in monetary terms, our greatest pleasure is realized in the lives of the people we have touched and transformed, as we see the quality of life improved in the people who are associated with us. Especially when we work together to build not just a greener world, but an economically strong community, a better tomorrow environmentally and financially for our next generation. 
5. Economically Profitable for the Company
​No business can survive long if it is not profitable. We have a group of dedicated partners, from business alliances, to marketing, to admin staff and also to the thousands of farmers who believe in us, and of course, to the Government of Indonesia, who are all supportive of our cause and our goals to make all our lives better economically and socially while at the same time, enhancing the environment. When all associates are prospering in every sense of the word, the company prospers as well! We aim to grow into a global organization as we believe we have a solution to the keep the earth green and address the shortage of 
hardwood around the world. If you are an individual or organization who can identify with these goals as well, we would love to invite you to join us in our efforts to make this world a 
greener and better place for all! Please drop us a line!