
““By purchasing  GWOODS products, you have participated in the Movement of Save the Earth, initiated by Green Warrior Community – Planting a tree can fulfill the needs of oxygen for 3 people.”
Our Earth Is Our Mutual Responsibility

Did you know that planet Earth is in an increasingly critical condition? We often see and hear through the media that in other parts of Earth disasters, such as earthquake, flood, drought, storm, and increasing temperature and also extremely hot climate, are occurring. And even, many people have become the victims of the disasters. It has become our concern and sorrow about what have happened to our “brothers and sisters”.
Apart from that, the use of fuel for vehicles and industries cannot be avoided that the 
contamination of carbon in the air is getting higher and uncontrollable.

Then, how about our natural forests which have the function to absorb carbon in the air? 
Unfortunately, the forests on the Earth are getting depleted due to the act of irresponsible people. 
They cut down trees in natural forests to take their own private economic advantages without restoring the natural forests. Eventually, natural forests are getting degraded and smaller.
In fact, planet Earth is our residence, hence we also have to protect and to take care of it together.
Therefore, GWOODS care about protecting and preserving our planet Earth. GWOODS realize it by increasing tree planting. Trees have an important role in keeping the Earth’s temperature stabil because they can absorb carbon. Besides, trees can also produce oxygen; hence we can breathe and stay alive.

GWOODS Short Story
The wood used by GWOODS does not come from natural forests, but it comes from People’s Forests (HR) in Indonesia. In order to obtain the raw material of the wood, GWOODS, together with the people, have independently planted trees on the lands which have not been planted with trees or unproductive lands in Indonesia. Of course, the lands have met the legality requirements and their license has been registered by the government of Indonesia so that GWOODS is allowed to use them. Through the development of People’s Forests, in accordance with one of its visions, GWOODS has participated in keeping the conservation of natural forests, in reforesting the planet Earth and in fostering the prosperity of the villagers.

1. GWOODS Plantations
The Development Of Top Seeds
The trees planted by GWOODS are the jabon tree (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq). In order to obtain the best product, GWOODS has developed top quality seeds of jabon trees from the seeds of selected parent trees. Jabon trees have many advantages, as follows Jabon trees belong to the type of fast growing trees, in around 5 to 6 years since the planting, 
jabon trees can be harvested; The diameter growth of the tree reaches an average of 5-10 cm; In 5-6 years, the height of the trees has potential to reach 25 m; they grow easily on open lands, clay soil, podzolic  loam soil, and stony soil; Jabon trees have a straight and cylindrical trunk; they are resistant to pests and diseases; they do not need special treatment; they have wide and green leaves so that they can absorb more CO2 and produce more O2 compared to other trees.

Cultivation of Trees
The cultivation period takes place since the tree planting until the trees are ready to harvest, that is, 1 to 5 years. In the cultivation, GWOODS utilizes the technology called the organic technology. The organic technology involves soil decomposer microorganisms. This technology is useful in repairing damaged structure of soil due to the use of chemical fertilizers in the past, so that the soil naturally will be fertile again.

Farmers Get Many Benefits
Since the beginning of the planting in 2011, GWOODS in conducting the planting, nurturing, until the harvest time has mostly involved local farmers. In some lands of jabon, the farmers are given the opportunity to plant secondary food crops by using the inter cropping method, that is, planting 
secondary food crops between jabon trees. The produce is for the farmers themselves.
GWOODS has a mission that local farmers get jobs and income for their daily life. Until 2016 this program has been conducted in some regions in Java Island, mostly centered the West Java area, Indonesia, namely in 9 regencies, 60 districts, 115 villages, involving 934 farmers and the number is continuously increasing. The existence of the program has helped the farmers’ economy. 

Even, this program can help them send their children, who almost dropped out, to schools to get better education. Along with the development, they can independently increase their agribusiness.

2. High Quality Wooden Products from GWOODS
GWOODS has made high quality products from jabon wood taken from the trees it plants, not from natural forests. Beside the trees, jabon wood also has special characters and uniqueness, among other things, jabon wood belongs to soft wood and it is easy to process;
the wood is yellowish white and it has soft grain, it is not favored by termites, when it is processed into hardwood, its hardness and strength can be equivalent to hard wood like 
GWOODS makes various wooden products, among other things, watches, interior decoration for walls and floors (flooring), flash disks, bags, ties, et cetera. Further information can be seen at the official website of GWOODS:

GWOODS products are made by utilizing the combination of computerized digital technology and the touch of arts from the hands of skilled craftsmen (digital computer technology + handmade). As for the proceeds of the sale of GWOODS products, it will be used to develop People’s Forests (HR) again.

 Supporting and Empowering Local/Regional Craftsmen
In manufacturing its wooden products, GWOODS involves and fosters local craftsmen in some regions in Indonesia. GWOODS has a mission to participate in supporting and helping local/regional craftsmen, so that they get jobs and a better, more appropriate income. Up until now (2016), just in the production of watches, GWOODS has involved and fostered ± 400 craftsmen in some regions, namely West Java, Banten, Yogyakarta, Bali, and Sumatra. Even, among them there are disabled persons lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak.

Contribution of GWOODS to the world
GWOODS does not merely sell quality products from woods. Besides that, GWOODS has a noble goal: to reforest the Earth by increasing the tree planting for People’s Forests. The tree planted is the jabon tree. Before being harvested, for 5-6 years those trees have served greatly to:
provide shade,
decrease the temperature,
store water reserves,
suppress noise,
hold wind,
give comfort,
prevent landslide (erosion),
prevent flood,
absorb carbon,
produce oxygen, et cetera.

Those trees have given benefits to the people and animals that live around them. Even, after being harvested, those trees will grow again by themselves. Until 2016, 1,204,921 jabon trees have been planted and the number will always increase. Besides that, more than 1,197 ha of lands has become beneficial and productive ones.

Based on the research conducted by DR.Ir. Syaukat Ali, M.Sc., each jabon tree:
absorbs an average of 1,235.8 pounds of carbon dioxide per year
produces an average of 1,235 kilograms of oxygen per year

According to Prof. Dr. Balthasar Kambuaya, M.B.A. (Minister of environment of Indonesia the period 2011-2014) one tree can fullfill the need of oxygen for 3 people.

Therefore, the total contribution of GWOODS to the world  for 5 years from 1,204,921 jabon trees that GWOODS have planted is:
absorbing carbon dioxide 1,489,041,372 kilograms or 1,489,041.4 tons
producing oxygen as much as 1,488,077,435 kilograms or 1,488,077.4 tons
fulfilling the need of oxygen for 3,614,763 people

By purchasing and owning this GWOODS product, it means that you have participated in protecting the earth, preventing the increase of global warming, reducing the symptoms of the “climate change” or extreme climate change, absorbing carbon, supplying oxygen.

(source: )